No, Humidifiers don’t make you pee more. However, if you are noticing the constant need to urinate during the more humid seasons, this could be the issue. During the humid months sweat is not as easily evaporated which can make it harder to leave your body. This will trigger your body to release fluids via more frequent urination.
Why do i have to pee when my humidifier is on?
A humidifier has nothing to do with a personal needing to urinate. Humidifiers do a great job with adding moisture to any area in your home. Doing this can help in reducing dust by just making the dirt not able and also wet to float. It additionally causes the dirt to have a sticky quality that keeps it from moving.
These are some of the more common uses for a humidifier:
- Adding moisture in the air.
- Removing dryness from the air during winter.
- Keeps allergies under control, while helping to maintain skin health.
Why does my humidifier smell like urine?
Hard water which leaves behind minerals and other residue when evaporate can make you humidifier smell like urine. Humidifiers should always have distilled or some type of treated water to ensure no foul odor are emitted during the humidifying process. Also, cleaning your humidifier on a monthly basis is recommended.
There are many great options of humidifiers worth buying/. Some have no air in the units and those which are enclosed in a box that has a humidifier inside. There are different levels of air in these units and depending on the size of the room you wish to humidify, you will need to select the size that will work best for your home.
Also, keeping your humidifier clean is a great way to prevent awful odors.